August 23, 2022 min to read
If you’ve been following along on social media, you probably know about Chili Piper’s #thoughtleaders series.
If you’re unfamiliar (first of all, what are you even doing?? Get on LinkedIn and check it out ASAP!) — it’s a head-to-head competition where we celebrate the best of the best in their respective fields.
The contests are epic and followed by hundreds of thousands.
Daniel Murray 🔥 won our inaugural contest for marketers.
Anupreet Singh 📈 won the second contest for sales dev.
Their prizes?
On top of the bragging rights and eternal glory, they both received:
✈️ Two round-trip plane tickets to anywhere in the world
☕️ An espresso machine
🎨 Custom art
Plus, free PR and the everlasting friendship and gratitude of Chili Piper.
*Our previous nominees gained over 50,000 followers during the course of the competition 🤯.
With over 200 nominations received, the competition has been stiff. So, who’s gonna be the victor in this round’s talent-stacked lineup??
In no particular order, meet our top 32 RevOps leaders!
Tune in to find out who takes home the grand prize!