February 5, 2024 min to read
We have customers using Distro to distribute leads from events, ping SDRs as soon as an account reaches a lead score threshold — and even route and assign leads to CSMs once an opportunity is Closed Won
It's pretty rad.
And it's getting more and more rad ever day.
Throughout 2023, we've been putting out new updates to make Distro better and better — and 2024 is going to be more of the same.
Let's dive in.
Before I get into the nitty gritties, I want to call out some of the heavy hitting updates we made last year. We made a lot of updates, but here are the main ones to call home about:
Not on fire, like everything burning. On Fire like our new Fire UI!
Now, you can…
Someone get assigned a spam lead? No biggie. Recalibrating their lead count is quick and easy! Find it under Distribution > Fairness.
OK this one technically went live early 2024, but we’re still counting it here. Because it’s so legit.
With “Preview Mode” you can make sure the routing logic you set up will actually work — using real Salesforce data, without updating any of your records.
Distro is the only CRM routing solution that syncs with your reps’ calendars — which is especially awesome when it comes to SLAs.
Last year, we added functionality to let you choose “working hours” as part of SLAs, so you only route leads to your reps during their working hours (which Distro pulls from their calendars).
Vacation adjustment, Vacation Buffer, Distribution Cycle
If Rules/Teams/Assignment Rulesets are actively in use they cannot be deleted or If CRM Router is marked as active it cannot be deleted until deactivated
Return what part of the condition matched in log details AND mark what part of the condition and formula matched for the matched rules in the record details
A catch all should only be last, and this prevents it being moved into an incorrect place causing an error
Ensuring licenses are not removed by accident
[RecordName] - [Distribution Method: Ownership/Round Robin] - has just been assigned to you: [Salesforce URL]
When creating a condition, the 'is in team operator' should also be visible when a text field is selected. This means you can use text fields to search for team members, so if you have a custom text field that has a team member in it that can be used
In some cases, text fields may reference an email or Id calculated by a formula so we have added these into the possible field types that are compatible with the ‘is in team’ operator of ownership rules. There is no required selection of whether the condition should evaluate email/Id/name specifically, as we will check all of these automatically
When a ‘breaking’ change has been made to an Assignment Ruleset used in a router (such as adding a new route), the Usage tab will have a link to ‘Update’ the router:
When a router is using SLA, check the assignee’s working hours to know when to perform reassign record
Fire Logs have been rebuilt with additional improvements and data shared for SLA events, error messages, and data for mismatched cases
Previously a route would only support a single ownership field update. You can now add multiple! Note that as of right now, if >1 of these Update Ownership actions exist in a Route that "Copy to Routes" is disabled
Improved debug view that aligns with the visual rule builder and a clearer indication of which Route matched (unmatched routes will be collapsed by default)
When the Logs page is opened in a new workspace that has no records routed through it yet, we display the table header without any data. Our primary pattern for pages where data or assets that "do not exist" yet is a splash page with some informational context that guides the admin to create something or explains why nothing is there. This update to the Logs page will inform them to activate a router in order to see data.
In Logs, there is a new data column for the distribution method type: Round Robin, Ownership and a filter for this column:
Search through logs by how the record was assigned. If an admin wants to know how many records a certain rep got or a view based on rep this filter is super helpful.
Admins can set this action directly in the route. This could be used to update an additional custom field such as lead status or router name. It is a very useful additional reporting tool!
Have a 3rd option that says ‘No distribution' which only shows those that have not been distributed. If NO option is selected in the filter (clear all selections), then no data will show.
Replace "Untitled" with insert, an error will show the name is missing if published
Now sorting fields now in Alphabetical Order
Automatically start in the search bar, If only one result is shown allow user to use ‘Enter’ button to select the value, If more than one result is shown - allow tab to go down the list to select a value, if something is selected menu should close
Important update to reduce admin errors. Previously when you wanted to use the feature: “Update Ownership”, you got access to all fields on the object. Meaning you can make some invalid operations or choices. These invalid operations are now removed!
In the router, you can have multiple updates on the same object type
If a field has been deleted in Salesforce, and that field has been used in 1 or multiple routers Distro detects that a field has been deleted in Salesforce and that field is used in Rules X and Router Y and then sends an email notification to the admin
#1: Current level: Who is next for a route - A lower number is a higher priority
#2: Records: The number of records the user has been routed
#3: Credit / Skip: Calibration feature used to make manual adjustments to the current level and who will receive a meeting
#4: Weight: Assignment of what % of meetings the user should get within the team
When a field is removed in Salesforce admins will be notified. This is important information to be alerted on especially if that field is being used in your router, preventing unknown errors.
Anytime you have a path with the assignment you can allow for multiple updates. For example, you can update the contact owner with the team member assigned and update the account owner.