August 29, 2018 • min to read
Throughout my marketing career, I’ve been trained to look for places where automation can help us improve processes in the funnel.
So one of the first things I noticed when I started working at Chili Piper was that our sales team was manually following up with all of our leads who didn’t book a meeting or trigger a call with us through our web form integration.
“Easy win,” I thought. Let’s automate that.
We started sending an automated email to everyone who fell into this “no book” bucket. But something strange was happening.
About 20-30 automated emails in, I took a look into our email analytics and noticed that nobody was clicking through to book a meeting with their assigned rep.
I was chatting with the sales team about these results over one of our daily huddles and 2 people told me they previously had more luck sending people suggested times over sending just a link to their calendar.
Anecdotal, of course, but that was what they were noticing.
So we decided to put it to a test and get the data.
Send 50 emails to with a link to their rep’s calendar, then have the reps send another 50 emails with suggested times in it to book a meeting.
Here are the results.
Here’s what the email looked like when we sent a link to the calendar for someone to pick a time:
So when someone clicks on the link, they go to that reps’ calendar and can choose any time that works for them:
Here are the results of this leg of the test:
I looked into it and the 1 person who clicked the link in the email did in fact book time with our team. So the conversion rate on sending a follow-up email with a link to their calendar resulted in a 1.9% conversion rate.
Here’s the email template our team used to follow up with all leads who didn’t book a meeting or start a call after requesting a demo of Chili Piper:
Then once someone clicks on any time in the email, their meeting is automatically booked:
Since we had to send these emails manually, I put together this very intricate tracking document:
Just by taking a little extra time to put in some effort and make the recipient’s life easier, we were able to 13x the number of people who we got to book a demo with us. Nuts.
In retrospect, I’m not at all surprised that the suggested times email was more effective. I just wasn’t expecting such a massive increase in the action we wanted.
The question I like to ask myself after tests like this are:
Here are my quick takeaways from this test:
1. We removed friction and made the email recipient’s decision making process easier.
Clicking on a link and choosing a time for yourself isn’t hard at all.
But making my work as the recipient just to click on a time slot that works for me? Much easier in terms of perception.
2. We took the time to make a suggestion and people appreciate that.
If you think about it, sending someone a link is putting the work on them. It shows no effort on your part to help find a good time to meet.
And apparently I’m not alone in thinking this way.
My friend and fellow marketer, Benji Hyam, tweeted this a while back and I noticed that a lot of people decided to chime in (most of whom completely agreed with his sentiments):
It feels personalized when you send somebody a list of options instead of saying “here, you choose”.
Funny how simple, yet effective that is.