September 21, 2020 • min to read
Speed to lead gets talked about a lot.
In the sales world, it’s no secret that the faster you get a lead on a call, the more likely you are to close them.
This isn’t just sales blather. This is data-backed fact. So much so, that we created a complete webinar focused around proving the impact of speed to lead with hard statistics (19 to be exact).
In 2020, Chili Piper published an ebook, Everything You Need to Know About Speed to Lead, with a tactical guide to how to close hot leads.
Then, we published a sequel, Speed to Lead Statistics.
It blew up the Internet.
Even though speed to lead gets talked about, it doesn’t get talked about.
Chili Piper made the decision to broadcast a Speed to Lead webinar.
The goal for the webinar was simple — explain speed to lead stats, share some industry benchmarks, and close out with some tactical methods for improving speed to lead.
This was something that needed to be talked about. Some businesses have initiated small-scale efforts to elucidate some of the data behind speed to lead.
In our research, however, nothing presented the data with this much clarity. Furthermore, Chili Piper presented a concrete solution to the speed to lead problem.
Chili Piper’s Jason Oakley is the Director of Product Marketing. He was joined by Kaylee Edmondson, the Director of Demand Gen. Together, they presented the informative details behind speed to lead.
Kaylee Edmondson, Director of Demand Gen, Chili Piper
Jason Oakley, Director of Product Marketing, Chili Piper
As senior leaders of Chili Piper’s marketing team and veterans of the B2B SaaS industry, Kaylee and Jason had a high degree of familiarity with the importance of speed to lead.
More significantly, they understood the deleterious and revenue-destroying impact of botching speed to lead.
And, let’s face it, most companies botch their speed to lead.
(Sorry, this is the data, not us being downers.)
You can get the full 47-minute treasure right here, but let me sum up some of the highlights for you.
First, Jason told a story. You’ll have to see it to believe it, but it involved a Macbook, an iPhone, and Jason buying a product because (spoiler alert) speed to lead.
Then came the scary statistics.
Like the fact that half of leads will select the vendor that responds to them first.
Okay, cool, so what?
Let’s say a sizzling hot lead comes in.
You’re pumped.
So, to prep for the bingo sesh, you turn up some K-pop, scamper to your kitchen, find the stoutest K-cup to pop in the Keurig, wait a minute for your brew, and scurry back to your desk to call the lead, right?
You’re too late, sorry bro.
Yes, you read that right. If you respond within sixty seconds you’ve got a conversion likelihood boost of 391%!
Step away from the coffee maker.
The good news is this. A lot of businesses are dropping the ball big time when it comes to speed to lead.
There are leads. But zero speeds.
This might be good news.
Unless you’re one of those companies dragging their feet on the lead response time.
In total, Jason shared nineteen stats, including details on the day of the week that leads are most likely to respond, the ideal time window for responding to a lead, and a few other eye-popping stats.
We’re data-backed optimists.
Admittedly, the stats in the webinar don’t exactly inspire fist-pumping hurrahs.
That’s because we’ve seen successful speed to lead in action from a variety of businesses.
We know that the speed to lead problem isn’t something that is going to remain unsolved.
But sheer willpower and teeth-gritting determination does not speed to lead success create.
It takes the right tools.
Take this, little form for example.
These are the kinds of tools you need to implement in order to obliterate the cruft from your lead generating process.
Smart speed to lead efforts also involve routing those leads.
You can’t do this kind of thing with layers of Excel spreadsheets and frantic Slack messages.
There are practical things you can do right now, like enhancing your lead forms and opt-ins.
The real silver bullet is implementing a tool like Chili Piper. With Chili Piper, any stressing out you have about speed to lead will waft away like crispy maple leaves in a brisk Canadian autumnal wind. (Jason lives in Ontario, Canada.)
The webinar was well-attended in its live version.
The primary attendee demographic was sales leaders — Sales VPs, CEOs, CFOs, SDRs, and other sales professionals. The attendees came from a spread of industry verticals, with a concentration in SaaS and tech.
You can still attend the webinar at your convenience. Just fill out your info and you’re in.
Of course you can watch it whenever you want.
But in the whole spirit of speed, why not do it now?
Short on time and just want the goods?
Schedule a demo with a Chili Piper rep. Plus, you’ll get to see our speed to lead process in action.