Chili Piper Talent Directory

Our single focus this week is to support our (brilliant, hardworking) departing Pipers and accompany them in their transition and as a result we've built this directory for everyone who is hiring to help these incredible Pipers find their next role.
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Sergei Ionin
Scala Developer
Argentina / Remote
Scala · Microservices · Kubernetes · Apache Kafka · PostgreSQL · Cats Effect
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Kyle Johnston
Portland, Oregon / Remote
Full cycle sales, prospecting, cold calling, event planning

Remote SDR/BDR, Sales/Rev Ops, Enablement

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Vaughn Frederick
MM Sales

Remote SDR

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Dave Eaddy
Account Executive
Reston, VA / Washington, D.C.
Full Cycle Sales Experience

Remote, US-Based AE or AM roles

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Justin Dosio
Support Engineer
New York
HTML, CSS, JSON, JS, Website Debugging, Salesforce, HubSpot, Postman, WordPress, Google & Microsoft Suites, Internal & External Product Education

Remote, Chili Piper Administrator, Implementation & User Knowledge Manager (on a contractual basis). -Customer Knowledge Manager, Sales, Project Management

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Luca de Varda
Account Executive
MM Sales, Team Lead, Expansion

Remote AE or AM / Team Lead roles

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Rachel Foster
Senior Product Manager
Roadmap Priortization, Product Discovery and Research, Data Visualization, Iterative Experimentation, GTM Strategy

Remote Part-Time Product Manager or User Research Roles 
Full-Time Roles in Health, Sustainability, or Outdoor Tech. 

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Libby Rapin
Talent Development Coach
Coach, leadership development, mindfulness, mental fitness

Remote only
Tech preferred
Contract, part or full time

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Nathan Guastella-Byren
Product Manager
Victoria, Australia
Customer research, Understanding of User Lifecycle, Onboarding,Roadmap Priortization, Product Discovery and Research

Product Manager

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Chelsea Cianciolo
Customer Success
San Diego, USA
Chili piper, operational management, SFDC Administrator, PMP

CS Operations, Marketing ops, Sales ops, rev ops, Operations Manager, CSM (remote only)

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James Luther
Cybersecurity Manager
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
NodeJs, Cloud Platforms, Cloud Security, Project Management

Security / IT management

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Nothando Ramodipa
South Africa
Content Creation, Marketing, Brand management, Copy Writing, Graphic Design, and Video editing

I have decided to pursue a long life passion of mine, writing. I created a magazine and a community of women over 7K but because of funding couldn't pursue it any longer. I'm looking for 20 people willing to give $100 p/m in order to resuscitate it and live out my dream. If you know anyone who would be willing to donate to this project, please let me know. If you're one of them, thank you so much!!

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Simone King
Senior Recruiter
Atlanta, USA
full cycle recruiting, employee experience, people ops

Recruiting, People Ops, Recruiting coordinator

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Marie Lunney
Director of Digital Customer Success
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Digital Customer Success, CS Operations, Program Management, Lifecycle Marketing, Post Sale Product Marketing, PLG, Scaled CS, Customer Enablement

Similar roles available on-site or remotely from Amsterdam Netherlands 

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