
Handoff SOP: How To Prevent Dropoff In The Funnel Stage No One Talks About
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Zippia estimates over 700,000 sales development reps employed in the United States. 

And LinkedIn currently lists north of 58,000 job openings in the U.S. alone. 

With the massive growth in the industry, sales development leaders have a lot on their plates... and you may be wondering where to invest your time and energy this year. 

Product training? Objection handling? Tech investments? Process improvement? 

We'd like to make the case for spending time on something you might not think about too much. But something that is absolutely critical to an SDR's job function. 


This guide combines the industry insight from three thought leaders in the SDR space to define handoff and offer 4 tips for making your handoff process the best it can be. 

Ready to make inefficient handoffs nothing more than a bad dream? 


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